Travel from Buenos Aires to Bariloche

Distance  from Buenos Aires to Bariloche: 1.600 km.

You will most likely fly (2:20 hs):
 - from the city airport in Buenos Aires ("Aeroparque"), or
 - from the International Airport ("Ezeiza") (not recommended unless you are connecting to an international flight directly, either upon arrival in Argentina, or after the conference, or both)

Purchasing flight tickets from Buenos Aires to Bariloche is also possible through our local travel agency.
Information will be available soon.

Important: Flights between Buenos Aires and Bariloche may be delayed (in particular in case of snow), make sure that you have foreseen enough time between your different flights.
It may be wise to arrive in Buenos Aires the day before, if you have purchased flights with different companies.

Driving takes 2 days, local driving techniques may be unfamiliar to you, be careful!

Buses are cheap, the trip takes typically 20 hours (comfortable coaches, you can sleep in the bus)

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